Monday, March 03, 2008

Palm Sunday Gets a Ride

My husband and I recently took our 21-month-old son to a cowboy-themed party for twin six-year-olds.  It was really exciting.  There were about forty kids running around jumping on a trampoline, climbing on a playground equipment, riding ponies, banging electric cars, and shooting hoops.  We helped pass out deputy badges.  (My husband played the part of sheriff). But we also did a lot of observing.  Our kid's so much younger that we all--all three of us--just stared in amazement at the sheer chaos.  It was like the Wild West.  I wasn't sure any one was in charge!

I used to be in charge.  I was organized.  I exercised.  I paid the bills on time.  I got sermons done on time.  I had time for everybody.  Since becoming a mom, I've had to admit it.  I'm not in charge anymore.  That means I have to let go more.  And, I'm not the "let go" kind of person, which means I'm always struggling to get my chores done and allow play time to happen.  I've come to realize that play time is very important.  It's important when you're 21-months, and it's important when you're, uh, well, when you're my age.

That's why I called up Miss Toby, the woman who was hired to bring all the animals to the birthday party.  Miss Toby has a dance academy, trains dogs, has a petting zoo, and a farm.  She also has a donkey, and I've been looking for a donkey for six years to play the part of the humble burrow who carries Jesus for his triumphant ride into Jerusalem the week before his death and resurrection.   I finally found him, and he's one mellow donkey.  Miss Toby was thrilled because she said everyone always wants the ponies, and the donkey never gets the starring role.   I also found some lambs and bunnies to come join us on Palm Sunday and hang out in the courtyard.  All our children can come outside, pet the animals, play, and then participate in the worship processional as we throw down the palm leaves before the donkey rides past.

Palm Sunday is partly the story about how Jesus let's go.   He puts himself and his ministry in other's hands.  They will have to choose whether he is their Messiah or their enemy.  He lets go because Jesus trusts the living God.  I'm not sure we humans are to be trusted, but Jesus didn't get caught up in basing his decisions on our lack of perfection.  

Faith is about trust in God.  It doesn't mean we don't do our part, but it does mean that at some point in the faith journey we aren't in charge of everything, every one, or every outcome.   It means we recognize that in the ministry of God's creativity in the world, in the universe and in our lives, we aren't in charge ultimately.   

And here's what I say about that.  Whew!
Let's play!

Rev. Betsy


At 5:49 AM, Blogger rainbowharold said...

I'm really stoked about having an even more raucous Palm Sunday this year. Not only do we have our "drum line", we have the animals heralding the Messiah. AND we have Kathy Webb speaking during Sunday School on putting that faith into action. Well done! (Now I gotta go shop for a new Hawaiian shirt!)

At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know for sure that I am missing all the FUN! Wonder if I could play hooky Palm Sunday and join you?

At 9:44 AM, Blogger rainbowharold said...

Oh, know we would love to have you back. Since you're playing hooky, you can come in disguise. I'll look for a lady in deacon's robes wearing dark glasses!

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the upcoming sermon series "What Happens When I Die?" we'll learn that the donkey was a fundamentalist in a previous life.

Just kidding! I hit several un-Christian targets with that.

Luckily, I've been forgiven for my sins. {rim shot}

You need to come to QQ anyway, Helen, to pick up your candles from the Advent service. Although we may need them for the Taize service.

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an amazing, uplifting service!
The animals were wonderfully sweet
and the donkey (Bandito) was
QQUMC rocks and I am proud to be
a member.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger rainbowharold said...

This service knocked it out of the park! I am so proud to be part of a congregation that appreciates going wild and taking risks. Kinda sounds like the early church and all their goings-on!


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